The Essential Buyer's Guide: BMW X5 E53 1999 to 2006


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More than one million BMW X5s have been sold and therefore the market is awash with used examples of this prestigious and popular Sports Activity Vehicle.

Motoring journalist Tim Saunders from has now written a guide to buying the BMW X5 E53 (1999 to 2006).

“The whole purpose of this pocket-sized book is to help prospective purchasers by highlighting potential faults and pitfalls,” says Tim, who writes a weekly used car column for the Newbury Weekly News. “It is the next best thing to having a qualified mechanic with you during your vehicle inspection.

“While the X5 E53 has many strong points such as excellent ride and good equipment levels, this model is renowned for poor gearboxes, leaks and electrical problems, which can all be very costly. This book forewarns prospective buyers of these issues and will hopefully help them to buy the best X5 E53 in their budget.

“Due to the good amount of head room the X5 E53 has always appealed to tall drivers, which is why when it was new, the likes of footballer Steven Gerrard and boxer Frank Bruno owned one.” 

Published by Veloce Publishing Ltd, the Dorchester-based publisher of fine motoring books The Buyers Guide to the BMW X5 E53 is available at and all good bookshops priced £12.99.

Pre-order the book at Amazon



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